void TMR6_EMG_InterruptHandler(void) { if (start_flag == 1) { //Uncomment the line below if you need to test Analog Channel with a Potentiometer //ADCC_StartConversion(POT_RA0); //ADC Channel selected to be the EMG Click //Make sure to insert the EMG Click on Curiosity HPC MikroBus Slot #2 ADCC_StartConversion(EMG_RA2); adc_result_t adval = ADCC_GetConversionResult(); // Every new sample point is added to the "Signal Circular Buffer" // Data is "buffered" (until the limit of 50 data points) so the // main loop can get the first inserted element (FIFO) // whenever it is free and process it. sbuf_insert(adval / 100); } }