SPI Driver ConfigurationRETAIN/CHANGERemark
Use SPI Driver  RETAINThe SD card uses the SPI driver. SPI driver is automatically selected when you select the SD card driver. Retain this.
 Driver Implementation RETAINDefault is Dynamic. Retain this.
 Use Interrupt Mode RETAINDefault is checked. Retain this. The interrupt mode will allow the SPI driver task state machine to be run from the SPI interrupt
 Use Polled Mode RETAINDefault is disabled. Retain this. you are using SPI in Interrupt mode.
 Use Master Mode RETAINDefault is Enabled. Retain this. SPI will act in Master mode and SD Card will be in SLAVE mode.
 Use Slave Mode RETAINDefault is Disabled. Retain this.
 Use Standard Buffer Mode RETAINDefault is Disabled. Retain this.
 Use Enhanced Buffer Mode RETAINDefault is Enabled. Retain this.
 Use 8-bit Mode RETAINDefault is Enabled. Retain this. This definition controls whether or not 8 Bit mode functionality is built as part of the driver. With it set to 1 then 8 Bit mode will be compiled and commWidth = SPI_COMMUNICATION_WIDTH_8BITS will be accepted by SPI_DRV_Initialize()
 Use 16-bit Mode RETAINDefault is Disabled. Retain this. you will operate a single instance of SPI in 8-bit mode only.
 Use 32-bit node RETAINDefault is Disabled. Retain this. you will operate a single instance of SPI in 8-bit mode only.
 Use DMA RETAINDefault is Disabled. Retain this. you will not use DMA for SPI transfers.
 Number of SPI Driver Instances RETAINDefault is 1. Retain this. you will have a single instance of the SPI driver, only to interact with the SD card.
 Number of SPI Driver Clients RETAINDefault is 1. Retain this. you will have a single client of the SPI driver, only to interact with the SD card.
 Number of jobs created per instance RETAINDefault is 10. Retain this. This definition along with DRV_SPI_INSTANCES_NUMBER and DRV_SPI_CLIENT_NUMBER controls how many buffer queue elements are created.
 SPI Driver Instance 0 RETAINDefault is Enabled. Retain this. you will be using SPI instance numbr 0 for interacting with SD card.
  SPI Module IDCHANGEDefault is SPI_ID_1. Change this to SPI_ID_2. This links the SPI hardware peripheral with the SPI driver instance
  Driver ModeRETAINDefault is Interrrupt Mode. Retain this. This is the only option available as you have not enabled Polled mode in the Driver configuration.
  TX Interrupt PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_PRIORIY_LEVEL1. Retain this.
  TX Interuupt Sub-PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL_0. Retain this.
  RX Interrupt PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_PRIORIY_LEVEL1. Retain this.
  RX Interrupt Sub-PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL_0. Retain this.
  Error Interrupt PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_PRIORIY_LEVEL1. Retain this.
  Error Interrupt Sub-PriorityRETAINDefault is INT_SUBPRIORITY_LEVEL_0. Retain this.
  Master \Slave ModeRETAINDefault is Master Mode. Retain this. you do not have a Slave Mode selected in the SPI driver configuration. So this is the only option.
  Data WidthRETAINDefault is 8-bit. Retain this. This is the only option available as you n=have not selected 16 and 32-bit option in the Driver level configuration.
  Buffer ModeRETAINDefault is Enhanced Mode. Retain this.
  Allow Idle RunRETAINDisabled by default. Retain this.
  Protocol TypeRETAINDefault is DRV_SPI_PROTOCOL_TYPE_STANDARD. Retain this. This enumeration identifies the various protocols of the SPI module.
  Clock To UseRETAINDefault is CLK_BUS_PERIPHERAL_2. Retain this.
  SPI Clock RateCHANGEDefault is 1000000. Change this to 20000000. The SD card can operate at this frequency.
  Clock ModeCHANGEDefault is DRV_SPI_CLOCK_MODE_IDLE_LOW_EDGE_RISE. Change to DRV_SPI_CLOCK_MODE_IDLE_LOW_EDGE_FALL. To match with the SD card SPI mode.
  Input PhaseCHANGEDefault is SPI_INPUT_SAMPLING_PHASE_IN_MIDDLE. Change to SPI_INPUT_SAMPLING_PHASE_AT_END. This is to match SD card SPI Phase parammeter.
  Max Jobs in QueueRETAINDefault is 10. Retain this.
  Minimum Number of job queue reserved for InstanceRETAINDefault is 1. Retain this.