if (mode == 0) { // Turn motor at muscle flex & Turn back motor at muscle release if (result >= 25 && sent_1 == 0) { //Send Character '1' over UART to SLAVE MCU to turn motor Clockwise printf("1"); //Set and Reset flags sent_1 = 1; sent_0 = 0; } else if (result < 25 && sent_0 == 0) { //Send Character '0' over UART to SLAVE MCU to turn motor Counter-Clockwise printf("0"); //Set and Reset flags sent_0 = 1; sent_1 = 0; } } else //Mode 1 { // Turn motor at Muscle flex & Turn back motor at next muscle flex if (result >= 25 && flex_flag == 0) { flex_flag = 1; if (motor_started == 1) { motor_started = 0; printf("0"); } else { motor_started = 1; printf("1"); } } else if (result < 25 && flex_flag == 1) { flex_flag = 0; } }